Daddy's Girl

Created by Clar 12 years ago
Saying goodbye is never an easy thing. How do you say goodbye to your father? Your hero? Whilst dad has been laid to rest, I haven't said goodbye. I don't think I ever will... He will remain with me forever. He will be in my thoughts every day. In an attempt to focus all this helpless energy and sorrow I guess I will continue with this journal and memorial to dad in a want to keep his memory alive forever in a more tangible way. I leave below the eulogy I wrote for the funeral. This was penned the night/morning before the funeral. I didn't intend for it to be a 'last minute rushed job'. But it wasn't something I really wanted to be writing let alone confirm its reality...a eulogy...for my daddy. It doesn't completely capture everything I want to say to him or about him but I hope I manage to convey a essence of him. How CAN you capture a man like my father in a 5 minute eulogy? It just is not possible. "I wasn’t a planned addition to the family – an accident people would say. I, however, always rebuked this and told people I was a ‘spontaneous love baby’. Dad would often introduce Carol and I as a product of mum and dad’s love. Whilst the thought of that used to make me queasy when I was younger, that statement of dad’s captures most of the ingredients that make him up - one part protector, one part loving and a pinch of cheeky. He was an amazing man that filled my heart and soul with an abundance of magical memories. When he wasn’t playing gin rummy, singing his heart out karaoking or dancing up a storm, he was actually a quiet and reflective person. A man of not many words but still always showing his affection – pulling silly faces, giving cuddles and dazzling us with the sweetest smile that warms my soul. A smile and a gaze with that twinkle in his eyes so sincere you knew exactly what you meant to him... But whilst we all know and adore Dario, the loveable larrikin with an infectious joyful and cheeky nature, he was also a man with incredible strength and pride. As a child I would look up to my father in awe, thinking he was like superman as I’d dance on his ‘man-of-steel’ toes or dangle from his biceps as he’d lift me up and down like a human see-saw. As I got older I understood how much deeper his strength truly went. From him, I have learnt that strength does not come from physical capacity alone but from unyielding will, courage and determination. Two and a half months ago, in the middle of a short one week stint in the hospital, mum, dad and I spoke with a team of Dr’s regarding dad’s condition. The cancer was now in his liver as well. Whilst up until this point I had remained strong and reasonably tear free in front of dad, I couldn’t hold my grief and fears to myself any longer and sobbed beside my mother in front of him. As I looked up and into my father’s eyes I saw a few seconds of fear and sadness and as quickly as the tears welled up – they disappeared and were replaced by a look of concern for us and a want to prove to us that he would be ok. Here he was the victim of a horrible and aggressive disease and still being so selfless - our rock, our protector, our strength. Even up until the day before the morning of his passing, he was trying to do chin ups from his hospital bed in front of family and friends and playing gin rummy. I’m sure if we were allowed to bring in the karaoke machine he would have given that a good go as well. But we must look at his moving on as I know he would have wanted; not looking at the loss of him, but rather acknowledging the greatness which was he and continuing to look at the good things in all our lives. He has left a legacy, in my sister, myself and his two grandchildren Mikayla and Jessica. The legacy of having an inability to stop ourselves from singing or dancing when we hear a good tune – especially to the likes of Michael Jackson and Elvis (thank you very much). There aren’t many greater loves than the love a daughter has for her father. The admiration I still feel for my Dad knows no bounds and he was always and will continue to be my superman. Mum, Caroline, and I are so proud of him, of all that he was and all that he has said and done. We will love you for all eternity dad and are so honoured to be your daughters, your wife, your grandchildren. Your life was a blessing your memory a treasure... You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure..."